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Corporate Profile



Zhongmin Baihui Retail Group Ltd (the “Group” or “ZMBH”) has over 20 years of experience in the retail business in China. In Fujian Province, the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”), the Group operates integrated department stores and supermarkets under the name “ 中闽 百汇 ”. In Hunan Province and Jiangsu Province in the PRC, the Group operates large outlet malls. ZMBH was incorporated in Singapore on 17 September 2004, listed on the Catalist Board of the Singapore Exchange (“SGX”) on 20 January 2011, and transferred its listing to SGX Mainboard on 3 September 2013.

The first modern 中闽百汇 store commenced operations in Anxi County, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province in 1997. As of 30 September 2023, the Group has seventeen stores in Fujian Province, comprising fourteen self-owned stores and three managed stores, with an aggregate gross floor area (“GFA”) of about 180,000 sqm. Five stores are supermarkets with GFA ranging from 1,000 sqm to 4,000 sqm. The larger integrated stores, with sizes ranging from 6,000 sqm to 28,000 sqm, have large department store sections, modern supermarkets, food and beverage outlets, and outlets offering a range of commercial services. The ZMBH stores generate revenue for the Group from four sources, namely, direct sales, commissions from concessionaire sales, rental income, and managed rental income.

The Group is strategically moving to become a notable player in the mega malls sector in China with two mega outlet malls, namely Changsha Sasseur (ZMBH) Outlets in Changsha, Hunan Province and Wuxi Yueshang Outlets in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, with a combined GFA of 600,000 sqm.

The Group strives to offer a quality shopping experience to middleincome consumers. By developing strong relationships with well-known international and domestic brands, the Group constantly optimises its product mix to bring value to its consumers. The Group adheres to the principles of Unity, Dedication, Faithfulness, and Service ( 团结、敬业、 忠诚、服务 ) to our employees, customers, and community.

中闽百汇零售集团(以下简称“集团”或“ZMBH”)在中国拥有超过 20 年的零售业务经验。 集团在中华人民共和国福建省经营综合性百货公司及超级市场。集团于湖南省及江苏省 经营超大型奥德莱斯商场。中闽百汇于 2004 年 9 月 17 日在新加坡注册成立,于 2011 年 1 月 20 日在新加坡交易所凯利板上市,并于 2013 年 9 月 3 日转移至新加坡交易所主板。

本集团在 1997 年,福建省泉州市安溪县开设了第一家现代化门店。截至 2023 年 9 月 30 日, 集团在福建省拥有 17 家门店,包括 14 家自营店和 3 家管理店,总商业面积约为 180000 平方米。五家商店是超市,商业面积从 1000 平方米到 4000 平方米不等。规模较大的综 合商店面积从 6000 平方米到 28000 平方米不等,设有大型百货商店、现代超市、餐饮店 和其他商业服务。中闽百汇门店提供四个收入来源—自营销售 , 联营销售 , 出租收入和 承包收入。

集团正战略性地发展成为中国超大型购物中心领域的重要参与者,拥有两家大型奥特莱 斯,即位于湖南省长沙市的长沙砂之船(ZMBH)奥莱和江苏省无锡市的无锡悦尚奥莱, 总商业面积达 60 万平方米。

集团致力于为中等收入消费者提供优质的购物体验。通过与国内外知名品牌建立牢固的 关系,集团不断优化产品组合,为消费者带来更多价值。集团坚持团结、敬业、诚信、 服务的原则 ( 团结、敬业、忠诚、服务 ) 我们的员工、客户和社区。集团本着“团结、 敬业、忠诚、服务”的原则,善待员工、服务顾客、回报社会。ZMBH 以创新精神为客户 提供优质的产品和服务。